Folding Electric Wheelchair With Diverse Mobility Options

The folding electric wheelchair is a great improvement after the standard wheelchair. It allows the user to be very mobile. Electric wheelchairs are available everywhere. Any medical or ability supply company sells folding electric wheelchairs and there is a large variety of features differing with each brand.

First of all you must be clear about what type of features you really need from your wheelchair. The different types of drive mechanisms of power chairs should be checked out. The popular and well-known brands should be considered by you first, and the accessories are also important.

The folding feature of an electric wheelchair is special, as the electric wheelchair carries the unit with the motor and the batteries. This makes the whole wheelchair heavier and more vulnerable to damage during travel. Folding is not as easy as a standard wheelchair, even though it has been simplified in the newer models.

Mobility options

You must try to understand the various mobility options that folding electric wheelchairs can offer. Many of them not only offer you a motorized way to get around, but allow you to be truly mobile because of its great portability and travel features. The best option is to combine the features of a standard folding wheelchair and folding power chairs with the power mobility of a motorized wheelchair.

Different types of electric fold up wheelchairs have different types of drive mechanisms. Check out what type of folding electric wheelchair you need. There are many electric wheelchairs for sale, but only a few brands have gained widespread popularity for their quality. Good brands offer some travel options which can be dissembled, so that they are easily portable.

Travel And Storage

There are folding electric wheelchairs which fold easily for travel or storage to about 13 inches wide for easy transport. Such folding wheelchairs are good for moderate use and run on batteries. The folding electric wheelchair from Invacare is designed to fold into the car trunk for ease of travel. Otherwise it can be stored conveniently in small spaces, when it is not being used. You can maneuver it quite easily into tight spaces.

Warranty And Price

Most of the folding electric wheelchairs fold very well for transport but are rugged enough for everyday use. They normally have a five year warranty on the main frame, and a one year warranty for the controller, gear, motor and main components. They have a battery charger as well and are much more expensive than the standard folding wheelchairs.


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